Anthony Saunders' newest work commemorates the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain...

20 August 2020


- The Battle of Britain -

by Anthony Saunders 

Mk.I Spitfires of 610 (County of Chester) Squadron scramble away from Biggin Hill and head towards the Channel where a fresh wave of Luftwaffe raiders has been plotted heading for Fighter Command airfields, late August 1940.


Combining great skill with thoughtful insight, Anthony beautifully portrays the elegant fighters, glinting in sunlight, racing towards the storm clouds gathering on the horizon. The peaceful harvest taking place in the fields below is in stark contrast to the perils that lie ahead.

Reproduced as a Limited Edition print to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, each print carries the original signatures of highly-regarded RAF Fighter Pilots and Aces who flew during that long summer of 1940.

Find out more here!


We're extremely excited about this new release!

Over the years we were fortunate to meet many of the veterans included in this release so we're sure it'll prove extremely popular, especially given the limited quantities on this anniversary year.

CONTACT US TODAY to reserve your copy!

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