Chris French
Chris French is Vice-Chairman of the Guild of Aviation Artists which is recognised throughout the world as a premier society for the promotion of aviation art. Working predominantly in oil paint, Chris specialises in aviation subjects but has been commissioned to cover many other subjects including military, naval, automotive, animals, portraits and landscapes. Clients for Chris's work include major companies, the RAF, British Army and Royal Navy as well as private collectors.
He has exhibited aviation paintings at the RAF Museums at Hendon and Cosford, the Fleet Air Arm Museum and various other museums and galleries including the U.S. Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio. Chris has won awards in the UK and US for his aviation art including the prestigious UK "Aviation Painting of the Year" award.
Chris likes to research his subjects thoroughly and create images that are more than just a representation of the subject – his paintings often tell a story or convey a mood by representing a unique moment and experience for the viewer.