Framed Maritime Prints by Robert Taylor

Celebrating the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar.

21 October 2021

Already hailed as the world’s most widely collected aviation artist, Robert has also long been established as one of the world’s leading maritime artists! We're delighted to feature these framed pieces that are IN STOCK ready to send:


Framed Collector's Piece

HMS Victory, the flagship of Admiral Horatio Nelson, breaks through the combined French & Spanish enemy line at 1.00pm on 21st October 1805. A broadside has crippled Admiral Villeneuve’s French flagship Bucentaure, seen off Victory’s port side, while Nelsons gunners fire a second broadside into the Santisima Trinidad. Just astern, the Temeraire manoeuvres to trap the Redoubtable between herself and Victory, and thus seal her fate. 

Framed and matted to full conservation standards, included is a piece of PURE ENGLISH OAK which was officially recovered from HMS Victory during restoration. Find out more HERE!



Framed Limited Edition

Robert’s glorious Maritime Masterwork depicts the exploits of eighteenth century naval hero Horatio Hornblower. In this triumphant visual recreation, the Royal Navy frigate Indefatigable, under the command of Captain Pellew and with the young Midshipman Hornblower aboard, engages and captures a French frigate.

A gripping tale, combined with Robert’s inordinate mastery of the sea on canvas, makes this piece a magnificent example of maritime art. Find out more HERE!


Worldwide shipping & delivery options are available! CONTACT US today for more information.

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